Management Structure

The FACER2VM management structure provides the framework for engagement of all partners while allowing efficient decision making on research direction and resource allocation.

External governance is provided by a balanced Steering Board representing technology developers and integrators, user industries, government agencies, as well as providing other valuable expertise, e.g. on standardization, biometric system evaluation, links to the Janus programme, a consultant on performance evaluation, and scientific quality.


  1. Ensure a dynamic research programme that addresses the core objectives of delivering a step change in automatically identifying people based on face biometrics and video analytics;
  2. Allow the resources and expertise to be adapted to pursue directions with the greatest potential for transformative research leading to step change;
  3. Ensure efficient and effective communication and coordination between partners;
  4. Provide oversight of the research programme and operation;
  5. Ensure the project delivers high-quality research;
  6. Monitor and mitigate risk;
  7. Put in place mechanisms for the prevention of conflict and for conflict resolution.
